1. What are the aims of UNO?
o To maintain International peace and security.
o To develop friendly relations on the basis of equality among all the nations of the world.
o To achieve International Co-operation in solving problems of economic, social and cultural matters and
humanitarian character and finding solutions to various problems.
o To encourage and secure, Human and Fundamental rights and freedom.
2) What are the functions of General assembly?
· It discusses all the matters which comes under discussion on world’s issues and takes decision on 2/3 of
majority presenting at voting.
· It prepares Annual Budget and approves it.
· It decides its contribution of members’ nations.
· It elects 10 members temporary to the Security Council.
· It elects it Secretary-General.
· It elects 54 members to Economic and Social Council
· It elects 3 members for Trusteeships council.
· It participates in the elections of Judges to the International Court of Justice.
3) What are the functions of Security Council?
It has power to admit or reject the membership of a new nation to General Assembly.
It suggests the name of Secretary General of UNO.
It participates in its elections of the Judges of International Council of Justice.
To protect peace ad security in the world.
The permanent member of Security Council has VETO power.
It is single negative vote which check the proposal being passed.
4) Where is the headquarters of FAO? What are its functions?
The headquarters of FAO is at Rome. Its functions are: -
· To encourage food production by promoting improved conditions for cultivation.
· To encourage the consumption of nutrious food.
· To protect Natural resource and improved agriculture.
· Improving living conditions of the rural people.
5) What are the achievements of WHO?
1) Elimination of small pox from the world. 2) It started battle against population explosion 3) Production of
environment 4) Maintenance of ecological balance 5) Taken steps to fight against AIDS. 6) Fight against epidemic
like cholera, plaque, malaria etc.
6) What are the aims of UNESCO?
To establish peace in the world. 2. To make human as the center of development. 3. Promoting of human rights.
4.Utilizing science and technology only for the development of human life. 5. Promotion of education. 6.To maintain balance between human and environment 7.Educating the mass against the growth of population. 8.Promoting information technology. 9. Promoting creative mental and cultural environment to promote peace and prosperity of the world.
7. How is UNICEF achieving the welfare of Children? Where is its head quartors?
· It provides milk & mind day meals to children in developing countries
· It provide help to female during their pregnancy
· Prevention of immoral trafficking of children
· Humanitarian servers are providing its H.Q is at New york
8. What are the aims of IMF or how is IMF safeguarding its economic interest of number nations? Where is its H.Q?
The head Quarters of IHF is at Washington D.C. its functions
· To give advice on various International Economic problems.
· To maintain balance in word trade
· To proved more employmental opportunity in all countries
· To maintain stability in exchange rates of variation currency
· To promote world trade to increase the income of nation
· To promote economic stability in its entire nation through economic Co- operation.
9. How is IBRD working for its development of underdeveloping contries
· It help to promote progress through economic reconstruction
· It maintains balance in world Trade by providing capital
· It provides loans to various developments Programme.
· It provides grantees to private industries to borrow loans
· It provider long term loan to increase employment head quarters is at washing ton D.C
10. Explain the political achievement of UNO?
· Its stopped war between Russia and Iron in 1946
· It helped Indonesia to get independence
· It prevented it civil war in Greece.
· It prevented Arab invasion on Israel in 1948
· It solved it Korean problems by providing independence to South Korea.
· It solved it Suez canal crises in 1936
· It include it Vietnam crises
· It solved Congo problem in 1960
· It Unclear way – fair and stopped the war between India & Pakistan on Kashmir crisis
· It freed Kuwait from Iraqi invasion during in 1991
· It helped Namibia & Angola to get independence
· Its Notable achievement of it WNO is it successfully checked the III world war.
11. Which are the problems which are not solved by the UNO?
· It failed to solve the problems b/w the Hungary and Poland in 1956
· It failed to solve the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
12. What is the racial problem of Srilanka? What are the Measure takes by India to solve this problem?
There are two prominent groups in Srilanka one is the Sinhalese (Majorities) and the other the Tamils
(Minorities) the claim of the Tamils for a separate state led to civil war.
In 1988 a treaty was concluded between Jayewardene and Rajeev Gandhi and a peace keeping force was
dispatched. Accordingly to this concluded IPKF was sent to Srilanka to check the Violence of L.T.T.E.
13 What are the problem that India is facing with Pakistan?
India is having the following problem with Pakistan.
· Kashmir Issue has become the biggest problem between these to countries
· Disputes over Issues like property. Border. Distributions of river water Trades etc.
· Cross border terrorism.
· Relation of China with Pak.
· Continuing problem of minarets in both countries
Two marks questions.
1. Which are the problems of the world?
1. The problems of Human rights 2. Terrorism 3. Apartheid 4. Use of dangerous Weapons 5. Economic Inequality
2. What is meant by Human rights? When did UNO proclaim Human rights?
Human rights are certain rights which are essential for peaceful existence and development of individual on
December 10.1948 (essential)
3. What is meant by racial discrimination? Who was the first person to condemned racial discrimination?
Discriminating to people on the basis of race is kwon as racial discrimination.
Abraham Lincoln.
4. How was recial discrimination practiced in America?
· Blacks were not given right to vote
· They were forced to live in particular limited areas
5. Mention the disarmament agreement?
* The disarmament agreements are:
· Disarmament treaty, 1955.
· Nuclear Test Ban Treaty [MTBT], 1963.
· Space Treaty, 1967.
· Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, 1970.
· Biological weapon convention, 1975.
· Inter-Continental ballistic missiles treaty, 1988.
· Comprehensive test ban treaty [CTBT].
6. What is neo-colonism? What are its terms?
* For economical development of the under developed nations, many developed nations came forward to provide
capital & te4chnologh on some conditions. This is called Neo-colonism. Terms are:-
1. Aid receiving countries should keep their door open to invest surplus capital by aid giving countries.
2. Aid receiving countries should supply raw materials to the giving countries and should get finished goods
from there.
7. What are the functions of Common Wealth of Nations? When was Common Wealth of Nations Organized?
Who are its members?
* The functions of Common Wealth of Nations are to:
· Protect mutual interest in trade, commerce, education and cultured.
· To provide financial ride.
· Sharing of technology information, T.V, Radio, Sports, Health.
· Conducting Common Wealth Games.
· It was Organized in the year 1931.
· The countries which were the colonies of Britain formed this Union. Even after independence they continued
to be in Common Wealth of Nations.
8. What are the aims of ASEAN?
* They main aims include:
1. To establish peace in South-East Asia.
2. To develop socio-economic co- operations
3. Improve education, technology and science by importing training in field of research.
4. Mutual exchange and help in mothers concerning industry and agriculture.
5. Work with co-ordination in other matters of international forum.
9. Mention the member nations of SAARC? Where is It’s head quarters?
* The member nation of SAARC are:
-India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
The head quarter is at Katmandu, Capital of Nepal.
10. Mention the aims of SAARC?
* The aims of Saarc is to identify the problems in mutual relations and find solution through co- operation in fields of Agriculture, health, rural development, science & technology, and Transport.
11. What does the third World refers to? Who introduced the name?
* The third world refers to the under developed countries which wanted to develop economic through mutual cooperation & exchange, without joining any power blocks or depending on developed countries.
The world was introduced by Algerian Fanon.
12. What is international economic order?
* It is a new method of achieving economically development of under developed nation through co-operation and exchange, without depending on any power blocks.
13. What is “arm race”? What are its effects?
* When the cold war intensified often 2nd world war, two power blocks increased hatred & insecurity. So they stared pilling up deadly weapons of mass destruction called “Arm race”.
It increased hatred, tension & insecurity.
So disarmament treaty was signed.
14. What is Indian’s stand on uses of atomic power?
* India upholds the principle of ‘atomic for peace’ and wants to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
15. Mention event which supported to declare Human rights?
* The two events that supported to declare Human rights are;-
-American war of Independence in 1776.
-French revolution in 1789.
1. What are the aims of UNO?
o To maintain International peace and security.
o To develop friendly relations on the basis of equality among all the nations of the world.
o To achieve International Co-operation in solving problems of economic, social and cultural matters and
humanitarian character and finding solutions to various problems.
o To encourage and secure, Human and Fundamental rights and freedom.
2) What are the functions of General assembly?
· It discusses all the matters which comes under discussion on world’s issues and takes decision on 2/3 of
majority presenting at voting.
· It prepares Annual Budget and approves it.
· It decides its contribution of members’ nations.
· It elects 10 members temporary to the Security Council.
· It elects it Secretary-General.
· It elects 54 members to Economic and Social Council
· It elects 3 members for Trusteeships council.
· It participates in the elections of Judges to the International Court of Justice.
3) What are the functions of Security Council?
It has power to admit or reject the membership of a new nation to General Assembly.
It suggests the name of Secretary General of UNO.
It participates in its elections of the Judges of International Council of Justice.
To protect peace ad security in the world.
The permanent member of Security Council has VETO power.
It is single negative vote which check the proposal being passed.
4) Where is the headquarters of FAO? What are its functions?
The headquarters of FAO is at Rome. Its functions are: -
· To encourage food production by promoting improved conditions for cultivation.
· To encourage the consumption of nutrious food.
· To protect Natural resource and improved agriculture.
· Improving living conditions of the rural people.
5) What are the achievements of WHO?
1) Elimination of small pox from the world. 2) It started battle against population explosion 3) Production of
environment 4) Maintenance of ecological balance 5) Taken steps to fight against AIDS. 6) Fight against epidemic
like cholera, plaque, malaria etc.
6) What are the aims of UNESCO?
To establish peace in the world. 2. To make human as the center of development. 3. Promoting of human rights.
4.Utilizing science and technology only for the development of human life. 5. Promotion of education. 6.To maintain balance between human and environment 7.Educating the mass against the growth of population. 8.Promoting information technology. 9. Promoting creative mental and cultural environment to promote peace and prosperity of the world.
7. How is UNICEF achieving the welfare of Children? Where is its head quartors?
· It provides milk & mind day meals to children in developing countries
· It provide help to female during their pregnancy
· Prevention of immoral trafficking of children
· Humanitarian servers are providing its H.Q is at New york
8. What are the aims of IMF or how is IMF safeguarding its economic interest of number nations? Where is its H.Q?
The head Quarters of IHF is at Washington D.C. its functions
· To give advice on various International Economic problems.
· To maintain balance in word trade
· To proved more employmental opportunity in all countries
· To maintain stability in exchange rates of variation currency
· To promote world trade to increase the income of nation
· To promote economic stability in its entire nation through economic Co- operation.
9. How is IBRD working for its development of underdeveloping contries
· It help to promote progress through economic reconstruction
· It maintains balance in world Trade by providing capital
· It provides loans to various developments Programme.
· It provides grantees to private industries to borrow loans
· It provider long term loan to increase employment head quarters is at washing ton D.C
10. Explain the political achievement of UNO?
· Its stopped war between Russia and Iron in 1946
· It helped Indonesia to get independence
· It prevented it civil war in Greece.
· It prevented Arab invasion on Israel in 1948
· It solved it Korean problems by providing independence to South Korea.
· It solved it Suez canal crises in 1936
· It include it Vietnam crises
· It solved Congo problem in 1960
· It Unclear way – fair and stopped the war between India & Pakistan on Kashmir crisis
· It freed Kuwait from Iraqi invasion during in 1991
· It helped Namibia & Angola to get independence
· Its Notable achievement of it WNO is it successfully checked the III world war.
11. Which are the problems which are not solved by the UNO?
· It failed to solve the problems b/w the Hungary and Poland in 1956
· It failed to solve the conflict between Palestine and Israel.
12. What is the racial problem of Srilanka? What are the Measure takes by India to solve this problem?
There are two prominent groups in Srilanka one is the Sinhalese (Majorities) and the other the Tamils
(Minorities) the claim of the Tamils for a separate state led to civil war.
In 1988 a treaty was concluded between Jayewardene and Rajeev Gandhi and a peace keeping force was
dispatched. Accordingly to this concluded IPKF was sent to Srilanka to check the Violence of L.T.T.E.
13 What are the problem that India is facing with Pakistan?
India is having the following problem with Pakistan.
· Kashmir Issue has become the biggest problem between these to countries
· Disputes over Issues like property. Border. Distributions of river water Trades etc.
· Cross border terrorism.
· Relation of China with Pak.
· Continuing problem of minarets in both countries
Two marks questions.
1. Which are the problems of the world?
1. The problems of Human rights 2. Terrorism 3. Apartheid 4. Use of dangerous Weapons 5. Economic Inequality
2. What is meant by Human rights? When did UNO proclaim Human rights?
Human rights are certain rights which are essential for peaceful existence and development of individual on
December 10.1948 (essential)
3. What is meant by racial discrimination? Who was the first person to condemned racial discrimination?
Discriminating to people on the basis of race is kwon as racial discrimination.
Abraham Lincoln.
4. How was recial discrimination practiced in America?
· Blacks were not given right to vote
· They were forced to live in particular limited areas
5. Mention the disarmament agreement?
* The disarmament agreements are:
· Disarmament treaty, 1955.
· Nuclear Test Ban Treaty [MTBT], 1963.
· Space Treaty, 1967.
· Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty, 1970.
· Biological weapon convention, 1975.
· Inter-Continental ballistic missiles treaty, 1988.
· Comprehensive test ban treaty [CTBT].
6. What is neo-colonism? What are its terms?
* For economical development of the under developed nations, many developed nations came forward to provide
capital & te4chnologh on some conditions. This is called Neo-colonism. Terms are:-
1. Aid receiving countries should keep their door open to invest surplus capital by aid giving countries.
2. Aid receiving countries should supply raw materials to the giving countries and should get finished goods
from there.
7. What are the functions of Common Wealth of Nations? When was Common Wealth of Nations Organized?
Who are its members?
* The functions of Common Wealth of Nations are to:
· Protect mutual interest in trade, commerce, education and cultured.
· To provide financial ride.
· Sharing of technology information, T.V, Radio, Sports, Health.
· Conducting Common Wealth Games.
· It was Organized in the year 1931.
· The countries which were the colonies of Britain formed this Union. Even after independence they continued
to be in Common Wealth of Nations.
8. What are the aims of ASEAN?
* They main aims include:
1. To establish peace in South-East Asia.
2. To develop socio-economic co- operations
3. Improve education, technology and science by importing training in field of research.
4. Mutual exchange and help in mothers concerning industry and agriculture.
5. Work with co-ordination in other matters of international forum.
9. Mention the member nations of SAARC? Where is It’s head quarters?
* The member nation of SAARC are:
-India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bhutan, Pakistan, Malaysia, Bangladesh.
The head quarter is at Katmandu, Capital of Nepal.
10. Mention the aims of SAARC?
* The aims of Saarc is to identify the problems in mutual relations and find solution through co- operation in fields of Agriculture, health, rural development, science & technology, and Transport.
11. What does the third World refers to? Who introduced the name?
* The third world refers to the under developed countries which wanted to develop economic through mutual cooperation & exchange, without joining any power blocks or depending on developed countries.
The world was introduced by Algerian Fanon.
12. What is international economic order?
* It is a new method of achieving economically development of under developed nation through co-operation and exchange, without depending on any power blocks.
13. What is “arm race”? What are its effects?
* When the cold war intensified often 2nd world war, two power blocks increased hatred & insecurity. So they stared pilling up deadly weapons of mass destruction called “Arm race”.
It increased hatred, tension & insecurity.
So disarmament treaty was signed.
14. What is Indian’s stand on uses of atomic power?
* India upholds the principle of ‘atomic for peace’ and wants to use atomic energy for peaceful purposes.
15. Mention event which supported to declare Human rights?
* The two events that supported to declare Human rights are;-
-American war of Independence in 1776.
-French revolution in 1789.
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